In South America, from the foot hills of the Andes Mountains of Ecuador, the river Malpelo winds down to the Pacific Coast forming a beautiful bay now called Playa Escondida (hideaway beach). Truly off the beaten track, with the nearest town fourteen km’s away, you are assured of privacy, safety, a pristine beach and gentle surf.
The backdrop for this idyllic shoreline is an ecological refuge of 100 hectares. Here we are dedicated to protecting the diverse flora and fauna of the semi-tropical forest from local hunters, logging, cattle and shrimp farming, not to mention commercial tourism; all forces which the threaten the fragile eco-system of this vital littoral.
Come and experience the magic of one of the last frontiers on the Pacific Rim. The refuge currently has capacity for thirty people. Prices range from US$10 to $25 per person. There is a secluded area with lots of shade for camping, with showers. Children up to 10 years old pay half price.
We look forward to welcoming you to our corner of paradise.

TELEFONO: MOVIL: +593 996506812
TELEFONO FIJO: +593 63027483